第8回学生ゼミを開催しました The 8th student seminar was held






In this seminar, Qiu-san gave a presentation on the variational autoencoder in Chapter 12, and Sakaban-san gave a presentation on the adversarial generative network and normaliing flow.

The variational autoencoder model was more difficult to derive than the models we have dealt with so far, but I think it became easier to understand by following it carefully as we all discussed the purpose of the model, assumptions, derivation of losses, roles, and so on. We also touched on several generative models such as VAE, GAN, and normalizing flow, and were able to learn about the assumptions and characteristics of each, deepening our understanding of generative models.

This will be the last seminar of the summer. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work over the past three months.

The next seminar will be a laboratory seminar, where two fourth-year students will give presentations for the mid-term review of their graduation theses.
