第4回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The 4th student seminar was held.

6/14 金曜日に第4回学生ゼミが開催されました.

「パターン認識と機械学習」(C.M.ビショップ,2012)の第2章「確率分布」から,2.4 指数型分布族,2.5 ノンパラメトリック法について,B4の臼杵さんから発表がありました.


次回は3章「線形回帰モデル」から,3.1 線形基底関数モデル,3.2 バイアス-バリアンス分解について扱います.


The 4th student seminar was held on Friday 14 June.

Mr. Usuki (B4) gave a presentation on 2.4 Exponential distribution families and 2.5 Nonparametric methods from Chapter 2 “Probability distributions” of “Pattern recognition and machine learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

There were questions and fruitful discussions on the treatment of qualitative variables in the K-nearest neighbour method, problems in setting the constant distribution as a prior distribution, uninformed prior distribution and parameter setting, etc.

The next session will deal with 3.1 Linear basis function models and 3.2 Bias-variance decomposition from Chapter 3 ‘Linear regression models’.

投稿者 | 武田( Takeda)