第1回学生ゼミが開催されました The first student seminar was held.

今年最初の本格的な学生ゼミということで,『パターン認識と機械学習』 (C.M. ビショップ,2012)の第1章「序論」についてM1嶋野さんから気合の入った発表がありました.
多項式フィッティングやAICの計算では,Google Colab で実装例を共有しながら議論するなど,とてもわかりやすい解説でした.



The first student seminar was held today.
As this was the first full-fledged student seminar of the year, we had a spirited presentation by Mr. Shimano (M1) on Chapter 1 “Introduction” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).
He gave a very clear explanation of polynomial fitting and AIC calculations, sharing examples of implementations on Google Colab.

Next week, the first half of Chapter 2 “Probability Distribution” will be covered.

投稿者|諸田 (Morota)