11月研究室ゼミが開催されました!  November lab seminar was held!

僕はしばらくの間、データを作るためにGISソフトを操作していたために進捗報告として結果を示すことができず、あまり多くのことを言うことができませんでした… しかし、研究の目的と目指すべき結果との整合性についてなどを指摘していただき、作業を進めながらも目標として何を目指すべきなのか考え続けたいと思います。



The lab seminar was held on November 22(wed). Presenters were Katayama-san from M2 and me from B4. I could not show the results as a progress report because I was operating GIS software to create data for a while, so I could not say much… However, they pointed out the consistency between the purpose of the research and the results we should aim for, and I would like to continue to think about what we should aim for as a goal while working on the project.

The next laboratory seminar will be held in December. At that time, Sakaban-san and me from B4 and Katayama-san from M2 will give presentations. I will do my best to make a good presentation and have a good New Year!
