第5回学生ゼミが開講されました! The 5th student seminar was held!

6/21 第5回学生ゼミが開講されました!

今日は武田くん(B4)が、「パターン認識と機械学習」(C.M.ビショップ,2012)の第3章「線形回帰モデル」の3.1 線形基底関数モデル と3.2 バイアスーバリアンス分解 について発表してくれました。




Today, Takeda (B4) presented sections 3.1 “Linear Basis Function Models” and 3.2 “Bias-Variance Decomposition” from Chapter 3 “Linear Regression Models” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

With Takeda’s clear explanation, we deepened our understanding of linear models, which form the basis of sophisticated models, from both geometric perspectives and through formula derivations.

Next time, I, Ono (B4), will present on the Bayesian treatment of linear models, which offers a more practical approach!

投稿者 | 大野(B4)