
第7回学生ゼミが開講されました! The 7th student seminar was held!








The 7th student seminar was held.

In this seminar, we introduced tools often used for research implementation, such as Docker and GitHub, and implemented them.


This time, we implemented pattern recognition and Bayesian linear regression, which are two topics of the student seminar, and I think the students were able to realize how difficult it is to build an environment.


We will have only two student seminars remaining this semester, so we will all keep our spirits up!



第6回学生ゼミが開講されました! The 6th student seminar was held!

本日6/28に行われた第6回学生ゼミでは、B4の大野さんが「パターン認識と機械学習 上」の3.3-3.6について発表を行いました。



In the 6th student seminar held on June 28th, Ono-san, B4 student, gave a presentation on 3.3-3.6 of the ‘Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning’.

Despite the tough content, where linear regression is reconsidered through the perspective of the Baysian approach, thanks to the thoughtful presentation from Ono-san, I could understand what I couldn’t when reading by myself. Plus, the discussion after her presentation was quite active with lots of questions from the participants.

In the next student seminar, with the provision from Kobayashi-san(M2), we will program statistic methods we have learned so far in the seminars.


第5回学生ゼミが開講されました! The 5th student seminar was held!

6/21 第5回学生ゼミが開講されました!

今日は武田くん(B4)が、「パターン認識と機械学習」(C.M.ビショップ,2012)の第3章「線形回帰モデル」の3.1 線形基底関数モデル と3.2 バイアスーバリアンス分解 について発表してくれました。




Today, Takeda (B4) presented sections 3.1 “Linear Basis Function Models” and 3.2 “Bias-Variance Decomposition” from Chapter 3 “Linear Regression Models” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

With Takeda’s clear explanation, we deepened our understanding of linear models, which form the basis of sophisticated models, from both geometric perspectives and through formula derivations.

Next time, I, Ono (B4), will present on the Bayesian treatment of linear models, which offers a more practical approach!

投稿者 | 大野(B4)

OBの片山さんが来てくださいました! Katayama-san, an alumnus, visited this laboratory!


Yesterday, Katayama-san, an alumnus who completed his master’s course in March this year, visited our laboratory.
It was a nostalgic experience to see him for the first time in several months.
Katayama-san and Ina-san, who is in the same year as Katayama-san, had dinner together in this lab. He also told us that he had not made his business card in time, so he made his business card in his handwriting.
Please come again when you have a chance!


投稿者|嶋野 (Shimano)

第4回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The 4th student seminar was held.

6/14 金曜日に第4回学生ゼミが開催されました.

「パターン認識と機械学習」(C.M.ビショップ,2012)の第2章「確率分布」から,2.4 指数型分布族,2.5 ノンパラメトリック法について,B4の臼杵さんから発表がありました.


次回は3章「線形回帰モデル」から,3.1 線形基底関数モデル,3.2 バイアス-バリアンス分解について扱います.


The 4th student seminar was held on Friday 14 June.

Mr. Usuki (B4) gave a presentation on 2.4 Exponential distribution families and 2.5 Nonparametric methods from Chapter 2 “Probability distributions” of “Pattern recognition and machine learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

There were questions and fruitful discussions on the treatment of qualitative variables in the K-nearest neighbour method, problems in setting the constant distribution as a prior distribution, uninformed prior distribution and parameter setting, etc.

The next session will deal with 3.1 Linear basis function models and 3.2 Bias-variance decomposition from Chapter 3 ‘Linear regression models’.

投稿者 | 武田( Takeda)