
第53回国土地理院報告会に参加してきました。We participated in the 53rd debriefing session of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 

—————-The English version follows—————-







On Friday, June 6, the students participated in the 53rd debriefing session of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan(GSI).

In the session, Professor Takashi Fuse of our laboratory gave a special lecture titled “Toward the Next Generation of Geospatial Information.

The special lecture was very informative, as he talked about “how geospatial information will be handled and what role it will play in the future in terms of real space, digital space, and the interrelationship between the two.

In the GSI’s debriefing, we learned about the GSI’s disaster response to the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024, as well as recent trends in surveying in Japan.

After the meeting, Dr. Fuse and the students enjoyed a dinner and drinks together, making it a very fruitful day.

投稿者|小林(Ken Kobayashi)



第3回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The third student seminar was held.





The second student seminar was held on Friday, May 31st.

This time, Mr. Shimoda (M1) presented on sections 2.3.3 to 2.3.9 of Chapter 2, “Probability Distributions,” from “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

Given that this section features many mathematical formulas, it was difficult to follow the equations when reading alone. However, Mr. Shimoda explained the transformations of the equations in detail, making it very easy to understand. Additionally, after the presentation, we were able to organize our understanding of the purpose behind each section’s calculations, which was very educational.

Next time, we plan to cover sections 2.4 to 2.5 of Chapter 2, “Probability Distributions.”

投稿者|臼杵 (Usuki)

第2回学生ゼミが開催されました The second student seminar was held.


今回は,「パターン認識と機械学習」(C.M.ビショップ,2012)の第2章「確率分布」のうち,2.3.2 「周辺ガウス分布」までの範囲を,D2の諸田さんから発表がありました.

ベルヌーイ分布について,平均が変化したらグラフがどのように変化するのか,Google Colabにて実際に分布を表示して説明して下さり,とても分かりやすかったです.また,ベータ分布において,平均μの超パラメータaとbが0~1の範囲の時に描かれるグラフの感覚的な理解をどのようにとらえればよいのかについて白熱した議論が展開され,大変充実したゼミとなりました.


The second student seminar was held on May 24.

This time, Mr. Morota (D2) presented the content up to section 2.3.2 in Chapter 2 “Probability Distributions” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).

He explained “Bernoulli distribution” displayed on Google Colab and demonstrated how the graph changes when the mean parameters changed. By doing so, we could understand so easy. In the section of Beta distribution, we had an intense discussion on how to intuitively understand the graph when the hyperparameters a and b of the Beta distribution are in the range of 0 to 1.

Next week, the middle of chapter 2 “Probability Distribution” will be covered.


日本水準原点一般公開(+散策)に行ってきました! We went to the Japanese datum of leveling!




Today, the Japanese datum of leveling was open to the public, and three members of this lab, Kobayashi-san, Shimoda-kun and I, visited there! We also visited the GNSS-based control station near the Japanese datum of leveling.
The structure of the Japanese datum of leveling was majestic and gave me a sense of the history of the place where the Land Survey Department used to be.
I had been there last year, but I had the impression that there were many more people than last year.

Afterwards, we walked to Shinbashi Station through Hibiya Park. Hibiya Park is located close to Kasumigaseki, lined with government offices, and I was reminded that it is suitable for urban oasis.



投稿者|嶋野 (Shimano) 

第1回学生ゼミが開催されました The first student seminar was held.

今年最初の本格的な学生ゼミということで,『パターン認識と機械学習』 (C.M. ビショップ,2012)の第1章「序論」についてM1嶋野さんから気合の入った発表がありました.
多項式フィッティングやAICの計算では,Google Colab で実装例を共有しながら議論するなど,とてもわかりやすい解説でした.



The first student seminar was held today.
As this was the first full-fledged student seminar of the year, we had a spirited presentation by Mr. Shimano (M1) on Chapter 1 “Introduction” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).
He gave a very clear explanation of polynomial fitting and AIC calculations, sharing examples of implementations on Google Colab.

Next week, the first half of Chapter 2 “Probability Distribution” will be covered.

投稿者|諸田 (Morota)