
日本水準原点一般公開(+散策)に行ってきました! We went to the Japanese datum of leveling!




Today, the Japanese datum of leveling was open to the public, and three members of this lab, Kobayashi-san, Shimoda-kun and I, visited there! We also visited the GNSS-based control station near the Japanese datum of leveling.
The structure of the Japanese datum of leveling was majestic and gave me a sense of the history of the place where the Land Survey Department used to be.
I had been there last year, but I had the impression that there were many more people than last year.

Afterwards, we walked to Shinbashi Station through Hibiya Park. Hibiya Park is located close to Kasumigaseki, lined with government offices, and I was reminded that it is suitable for urban oasis.



投稿者|嶋野 (Shimano) 

第1回学生ゼミが開催されました The first student seminar was held.

今年最初の本格的な学生ゼミということで,『パターン認識と機械学習』 (C.M. ビショップ,2012)の第1章「序論」についてM1嶋野さんから気合の入った発表がありました.
多項式フィッティングやAICの計算では,Google Colab で実装例を共有しながら議論するなど,とてもわかりやすい解説でした.



The first student seminar was held today.
As this was the first full-fledged student seminar of the year, we had a spirited presentation by Mr. Shimano (M1) on Chapter 1 “Introduction” of “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” (C.M. Bishop, 2012).
He gave a very clear explanation of polynomial fitting and AIC calculations, sharing examples of implementations on Google Colab.

Next week, the first half of Chapter 2 “Probability Distribution” will be covered.

投稿者|諸田 (Morota)

第0回学生ゼミが開催されました The 0th student seminar was held.

新しくメンバーとなったB4の4人に卒業論文のイメージを持ってもらうことを目的にして、最初の30分ほど小林さん (M2) から研究の進め方に関する説明があり、その後に昨年度の修論・卒論の紹介を行いました。修論の紹介は、昨年度修了された片山さんと発表の練習を一緒にされてきた、稲福さんから行っていただきました。卒論の紹介は、坂番と嶋野から行いました。

また、今年度のSセメスターの学生ゼミで輪読する本は C.M. ビショップ『パターン認識と機械学習』 (2012) とする予定です。次回の学生ゼミからは研究室のみんなで読み進めて学習して行こうと思います!


The 0th student seminar was held today in the student room.
The aim of today’s seminar was to give the new B4 members the image of their graduation theses. First, Kobayashi-san (M2) explained the way to proceed with graduation theses. Then, a master’s thesis and graduation theses in last year was introduced. The master’s thesis was introduced by Inafuku-san (M2), who is a friend of Katayama-san, who completed his studies last year. Moreover, the graduation theses were introduced by Sakaban-san and me.

The book to be read in the spring semester student seminar this year will be C.M. Bishop’s Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (2012). From the next student seminar, let’s read and learn together!


投稿者|嶋野 (Shimano) 

第1回研究室ゼミ&新入生歓迎会を行いました The 1st laboratory seminar and welcome party for new students were held 




I am Usuki, a B4 student newly assigned to the Regional Planning and Information Laboratory.
The first laboratory seminar was held on Thursday, April 11. In the seminar, Ono-san (B4), Sasaki-san (B4), Takeda-san (B4) Usuki (B4), and Shimoda-san (M1), who have been assigned to the lab since April, introduced themselves and gave a presentation on their research interests. Kobayashi-san (M2) also reported on the results of his study abroad in Germany.
After the seminar, we also had a welcome party for new students including alumni and alumnae.
We look forward to working with you from now on!


交通研合同新入生ガイダンスを開催しました! We held a guidance for newcomers with Behavior in Networks Studies Unit








We held a guidance for newcomers with Behavior in Networks Studies Unit.

We two laboratories share the same student room, and this year, more than 10 new students became members of us.

We hope to continue to actively promote exchanges with the Behavior in Networks Studies Unit this year as well.

By the way it is the season of cherry blossoms, and beautiful cherry trees are blooming next to our laboratory.
