
ドイツのミュンヘン工科大学に交換留学しています! Study abroad in Munich

—an English version follows—






私は大学でGeodesy and Geoinformation という学科に所属しており、そこでLiDARという物体の三次元点群を取得するセンサに関するプロジェクトをしています。以下の写真はプロジェクトの実験の様子です。現在LiDARはサッカーなどのスポーツにおいて、選手の運動量等を推定する目的で用いられることもあるそうで、スポーツに応用する際の計測精度検証をこのプロジェクトでは行っています。

また、こちらは余談ですが、昨日、本研究室OBで現在パリに留学中の稲福先輩とお会いすることができました。ミュンヘン特産のmünchener weiß brust(白ソーセージ)がとてもおいしかったそうです!人とのつながりを感じる今日この頃です。





Hello. I’m Ken Kobayashi, a first year of master’s degree student.

I have been on a six-month exchange program at the Technical University of Munich in Germany since last October. I would like to introduce a little bit about my study abroad experience!

I belong to the department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the university, where I am working on a one project using LiDAR, which is a sensor to acquire 3D point clouds of objects directly. The following pictures show the experiment of the project. I heard that LiDAR is currently used in sports such as soccer to estimate the amount of movement of players, etc. In this project, we are trying to verify the measurement accuracy of LiDAR when applied to sports.


On a side note, I had a chance to meet Mr. Inafuku, an alumnus of the Lab, who is currently studying abroad in Paris yesterday. He said that the münchener weiß brust (white sausage), a specialty of Munich, was very delicious! It was such a good experience to reunite with lab’s member in Europe.


Though I have only one month left in my study abroad program, I will do my best to enjoy it and have as much experience as I can!

Ken Kobayashi







坂番:「拡散モデルを用いた衛星画像の時間的高解像度化」 “Temporal super-resolution of satellite images using a diffusion model.”


The final review of thesis was held on 2/6 (Tue) in the Engineering Bldg1, Lecture Room 15. My fellow B4 student Sakaban and I presented our theses. As a result of the final review, both of us passed the exam without any problems.

I received the Tanabe Prize, which is awarded for excellent graduation theses in the Department of Civil Engineering! In addition, I also received the Henry Dyer Award for outstanding grades in the Department of Civil Engineering.  I’m going to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. Although I’m feeling a lot of pressure from this great responsibility, I will do my best to give a good speech.

投稿者|嶋野 (Shimano) 







On December 27, we held the last seminar for this year and year-end party.

Mr. Shimano (B4), Ms. Sakaban (B4), and Mr. Katayama (M2), who will graduate this year, gave presentations.
Although we will be even busier from now on, let’s take good care of ourselves and do our best in writing our theses for the remaining month!

After the seminar, we held a year-end party. It was the first year-end party in four years after the corona virus pandemic, and the first gathering of alumni for all of the current student members. Despite the several years blank, many alumni (more than twice as many as current students!) attended the party and it was very lively. Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the party!

At the after party held in the student room, Mr. Shimano presented his graduation research to alumni and alumnae.


クリスマスが近づいてきました! Christmas is approaching!




Christmas is approaching!
We have a decorated a Christmas tree in front of the lab door! Normally the door is white and inorganic, but I think it has become a little brighter. In this month, as the deadlines of theses are nearing, more and more students are coming to the laboratory. Now is a difficult time for us, but I hope it is a little enjoyable.
Also, today is the end of the year, so we cleaned the laboratory. We vacuumed, wiped the shelves and put away the things on the desks to make the lab look cleaner!
I will do my best to maintain a clean lab!


第7回学生ゼミが開催されました The seventh student seminar was held.


片山くんは,「物理モデルに基づく深層学習による交通状態推定」と題して,サンプルデータと実データである長尺データを用いた検証について発表しました.実データを見て,Fundamental Diagram推定の難しさを感じました.PINN(Physics-informed Neural Network)モデルの構成からデータの前処理まで幅広く議論しました.




The 7th student seminar was held on December 18 (Mon.). Mr. Katayama (M2) and Ms. Sakaban (B4) presented their research progress.

Mr. Katayama presented his research entitled “Traffic State Estimation Through Physical-Based Deep Learning Models” (temporary translation), using sample data and real data (long data). Looking at the real data, we could feel the difficulty of estimating the fundamental diagram. We discussed a wide range of topics from the structure of his proposed PINN (Physics-informed Neural Network) model to the details of data preprocessing.

Ms. Sakaban presented “Temporal Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Images Through Diffusion Model” (temporary translation). She elaborated on the applicability of diffusion models used in video interpolation to satellite images. The diffusion model seems difficult to understand, but we are looking forward to the high accuracy performance.

We were very happy to have Mr. Kimura and Mr. Inafuku, alumni of our lab, join us online, and Mr. Kobayashi, currently studying abroad in Germany, watch the recording and comment on it.

This is the last student seminar of this semester. Let’s do our best for the final defense!
