
追いコンを開催しました! The fare-well party was held!




Last month, Katayama-san (M2) graduated from this Laboratory. Congratulations!
We held the farewell party on 3/26 (Tue) with 15 people, including alumni and new students who will become members from April.
At the end of the farewell party, we presented Katayama-san, who loves travelling, with a scratchable world map!
We then presented gifts to Qiu-san, who has completed her doctoral studies, and to our teachers and secretary, Ishida-san.
I and Sakaban-san, who graduated from the undergraduate course, were also presented with this lab’s T-shirts! We will use them carefully.



3/21 (木) に修了式が開催されました.




The graduation ceremony was held on March 21 (Thu.).
Qiu-san (D3) and Katayama (M2) received their degree certificates.

Here are comments from the graduates.

Thank you all for your tremendous support during my three years in the doctoral program. As I embark on my journey as a researcher, I am deeply grateful for your continued encouragement and guidance.

Thank you very much for your support during my three years as an undergraduate and master’s student.
I had a very good time with the support of professors and laboratory members.
I am grateful to be in an environment where students can teach and discuss with each other.
I will leave the laboratory next year and start working for a company, and I would like to make use of what I have learned in this laboratory.


投稿者 (poster)|片山 (katayama)

学部卒業式が開催されました Graduation Ceremony was held.



The graduation ceremony of the department of civil engineering was held on 22 March (Fri) in Lecture Room 15, Engineering Bldg. 1.
I attended the graduation ceremony and received a diploma. And I gave a speech in the end of the ceremony. It was the first time for me, so I was very nervous. However, I managed to read it 
After the ceremony, I was able to take photos with the member of this lab, but I wasn’t able to take photos with Fuse-sensei (Prof. Fuse), so I want to take photos with Fuse-sensei in the farewell party on 26 March (Tue).
I would like to thank you for all your help and support over the past two and a half years since I came to the Department of Civil Engineering and one year since I came to this lab!



博士論文最終審査が行われました。Qiu’s doctoral defense was held.

「Deep Learning-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Focusing on Interaction Modeling through Causal Discovery (因果探索に基づく相互作用に着目した深層学習ベースの歩行者経路予測)」と題して、邱が発表いたしました。



On Wednesday, January 24, Qiu’s doctoral final defense was held.
The presentation was titled “Deep Learning-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Focusing on Interaction Modeling through Causal Discovery.”
The defense was successful and the final version of the dissertation was submitted in mid-February.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Fuse, my advisor, and the committee – Professors Oguchi, Hato, Fukuda, and Seo – for their invaluable guidance and support throughout this journey. Engaging in discussions about my research with fellow lab members and researchers from various conferences has been truly enriching.
Looking ahead, I’m eager to persist in my research journey, aiming to make even more meaningful contributions. and strive to conduct better research.

Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support.

投稿者|邱 (Qiu)

*The English version was done with the support of DeepL and ChatGPT.

ドイツのミュンヘン工科大学に交換留学しています! Study abroad in Munich

—an English version follows—






私は大学でGeodesy and Geoinformation という学科に所属しており、そこでLiDARという物体の三次元点群を取得するセンサに関するプロジェクトをしています。以下の写真はプロジェクトの実験の様子です。現在LiDARはサッカーなどのスポーツにおいて、選手の運動量等を推定する目的で用いられることもあるそうで、スポーツに応用する際の計測精度検証をこのプロジェクトでは行っています。

また、こちらは余談ですが、昨日、本研究室OBで現在パリに留学中の稲福先輩とお会いすることができました。ミュンヘン特産のmünchener weiß brust(白ソーセージ)がとてもおいしかったそうです!人とのつながりを感じる今日この頃です。





Hello. I’m Ken Kobayashi, a first year of master’s degree student.

I have been on a six-month exchange program at the Technical University of Munich in Germany since last October. I would like to introduce a little bit about my study abroad experience!

I belong to the department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the university, where I am working on a one project using LiDAR, which is a sensor to acquire 3D point clouds of objects directly. The following pictures show the experiment of the project. I heard that LiDAR is currently used in sports such as soccer to estimate the amount of movement of players, etc. In this project, we are trying to verify the measurement accuracy of LiDAR when applied to sports.


On a side note, I had a chance to meet Mr. Inafuku, an alumnus of the Lab, who is currently studying abroad in Paris yesterday. He said that the münchener weiß brust (white sausage), a specialty of Munich, was very delicious! It was such a good experience to reunite with lab’s member in Europe.


Though I have only one month left in my study abroad program, I will do my best to enjoy it and have as much experience as I can!

Ken Kobayashi