
第4回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The fourth student seminar was held.


The fourth student seminar was held on 11/20(Mon).
B4 student, Sakaban-san gave a progress report on his graduation thesis entitled ‘Temporal Resolution of Satellite Images Using Diffusion Models’.
There is no research on diffusion models for satellite image, so she explained the progress of research on diffusion models and the deep learning methods used for satellite image, and how she will use them in her own research.
Mr. Kimura, an alumnus who graduated this autumn, also came to the seminar and we had a good discussion. Tomorrow, Katayama-san from M2 and Sakaban-san and me from B4 will give presentations in the laboratory seminar.
I have a presentation, so I will do my best.



ACRS 2023 に参加しました.Qiu participated in ACRS 2023.

(English follows Japanese)

ご報告が遅くなりましたが,10月30日から11月3日の一週間に,D3の邱が台湾・台北・南港にて開催された ACRS 2023 (Asian Conference on Remote Sensing)に参加しました.「Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction Through Attention-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction」と題して発表し,Student and Young Scientist Paper Award を受賞しました.



Closing ceremonyで,Student and Young Scientist Paper Award をいただき,誠に光栄に思いました.この賞を授与してくださったCSPRSの J.-J. Jaw 先生は私が学部時代に受けた測量学の先生で,これまでの勉強が評価されてとても嬉しく感じました.これからも一層研究に励んでいきます.

From October 30th to November 3rd, Qiu participated in ACRS 2023 (Asian Conference on Remote Sensing) held in Taipei, Taiwan. Presenting on the topic “Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction Through Attention-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction,” I was honored to receive the Student and Young Scientist Paper Award.

As Professor Fuse could not come, I embarked on this overseas business trip alone. Despite being abroad, since I’m from Taiwan, I enjoyed the Taiwanese food and atmosphere throughout the week. My presentation took place in the first session on the first day, so afterward, I was able to enjoy the other presentations and engage in insightful discussions with researchers. The expanding spatiotemporal scope of observations through remote sensing technology, and its potential application in addressing regional challenges, left a lasting impression.

At the venue, I had the pleasure of meeting researchers from various regions, including many students studying abroad across Asia. Thanks to introductions by Professor Yoshimura and Professor Yamashita, I engaged in meaningful conversations with faculty and students from institutions like Kyoto University. After lively research discussions at the conference, evenings were spent enjoying local delicacies like xiaolongbao 😋. Additionally, I was asked to share my study life in Japan with Taiwanese students.

During the closing ceremony, I was humbled to receive the Student and Young Scientist Paper Award. Professor J.-J. Jaw, who presented the award, had been my surveying professor during my undergraduate years. I am very happy that my studies have been recognized. I look forward to dedicating myself even more to research in the future.

(Photo source: ACRS2023)


第2回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The second student seminar was held.




嶋野さんの研究テーマは「日本風景論』における 名山の統計的形状解析 」で、地形に着目して、志賀重昂が名山に選定した火山の定量的解析を試みるものです。ゼミではいくつかの手法を試して最適な山の範囲の決め方を見つけるまでの過程を発表いただきました。自然の地形を定量的に扱うことの困難さをどのように乗り越え、どんな結果が得られるのか、今後の発表が楽しみです。



Mr. Katayama’s research theme is “Estimation of Traffic Conditions using Deep Learning based on a Physical Model.” His work involves incorporating a physical model based on traffic flow theory into a neural network. This aims to reduce the required amount of training data and develop and validate a method for estimating and predicting traffic conditions for sparse events. Following the presentation, there was a suggestion that considering renovation projects as a validation subject could explore the influence of human behavioral psychology on road conditions, in addition to traffic theory.

Mr. Shimano’s research theme is “Statistical Shape Analysis of Famous Mountains in ‘Japanese Landscape Theory.'” Focusing on topography, he attempts a quantitative analysis of volcanoes selected as famous mountains by Shigetaka Shiga. During the seminar, he presented the process of trying various methods to find the optimal way to determine the range of mountains. The difficulty of quantitatively dealing with natural terrain and overcoming it, as well as the anticipated results, make the upcoming presentations intriguing.

投稿者 坂番

第1回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The first student seminar was held.

秋学期の学生ゼミでは各々の研究の進捗報告を行っていく予定ですが、第1回はD3の邱さんから”Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction through Attention-based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction”と題して発表がありました。



The first student seminar was held on 23 October (Mon).
In the A semester, we will be reporting on the progress of each student’s research in the student seminar, and the first presentation was given by D3 student Qiu-san on “Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction through Attention-based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction”.
I had a general understanding of the topic from the presentation given by Qiu-san once in the S semester, but I was able to understand it more deeply.
In the seminar, there was a discussion about the method to be used for the evaluation of pedestrian movement forecasts. In consideration of comparability with existing research, she introduced the evaluation by sampling from a probability distribution, and there was an opinion that by showing the probability distribution itself as a result, not only a definitive evaluation but also a probabilistic evaluation would be possible.

The next meeting will be held two weeks later on 6 November (Mon). The presenters will be Katayama-san and myself.

投稿者 (poster)|嶋野 (Shimano)

秋学期の学生ゼミが始まりました The student seminar for the autumn semester started.





The student seminar for the autumn semester started on Monday, 16th October, with the beginning of the new semester. M2 student Mr Katayama gave detailed explanations on the progress of the thesis using LaTeX, and gave insights into writing papers and monitoring progress. Valuable experience and advice from the senior students are given.

In addition, Mr Inafuku, an M2 student currently studying in France, joined the session online. As always, Mr Inafuku contributed with his remarkable ideas and energy.

From next week, we will share our research progress. Each participant will report on their individual research progress. We are looking forward to a lot of new ideas and results.

Let’s keep up the good work! (GANBARIMASHO!)

*This article was polished with the help of ChatGPT and DeepL (for the English version). How is it? 😃