
研究室旅行で筑波に行ってきました! Our lab went on a trip to Tsukuba!





I apologize for the delayed post, but on November 24, our lab went on a trip to Tsukuba!

In the morning, we hiked up Mount Tsukuba. From the summit, we were treated to a breathtaking view of Lake Kasumigaura, and if we squinted, we could even spot Mount Fuji and Tokyo Skytree. The Tsukuba udon we enjoyed at the summit tasted amazing, especially with the sense of accomplishment from the climb.

In the afternoon, we visited the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s Map and Survey Museum. The exhibits included the history of surveying and displays about elevation revisions based on gravity geoid measurements. We stayed until the museum closed at 4:30 PM, thoroughly enjoying ourselves even more than the elementary school students there.

This trip was a perfect opportunity to talk about things we don’t usually discuss, engage in lively conversations about research, and strengthen the bonds within our lab. It also served as a great way to refresh ourselves, benefiting both our studies and work. It truly was an unforgettable experience!

投稿者 | 大野

第5回学生ゼミを開催しました。 The 5th Student Seminar was held.


On Friday, November 22nd, we held the 4th Student Seminar. This time, we had presentations from two first-year master’s students, Mr. Simoda and Mr. Shimano.


Mr. Shimoda explained the ideas behind his master’s research. His research theme involves utilizing AI for map updates, and he provided an explanation of the semi-supervised learning model SRUNet, which he plans to use as a base model. His presentation included a detailed discussion of the mathematical aspects, such as the network architecture and loss functions. Semi-supervised learning is known for achieving high accuracy in training on large-scale datasets that are difficult to label manually. It will be exciting to see the accuracy levels he achieves and how his research progresses moving forward.




Mr. Shimano shared insights about the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) Autumn Academic Conference, which was held in November. First, congratulations to him for receiving the Academic Paper Award at the conference! He introduced two particularly interesting studies: one on evaluating the accuracy of network-based RTK positioning using a GNSS receiver attached to a smartphone, and another on extracting ground features from satellite images using super-resolution technology. He also mentioned that many presentations at the conference incorporated deep learning techniques. Since I also plan to conduct research involving deep learning, I aim not just to apply existing models but to infuse originality into my research, making it both engaging and impactful.


The next student seminar will be held on Friday, December 6th.

投稿者 (poster) | 坂番 (Sakaban)

第4回学生ゼミを開催しました。 The 4th Student Seminar was held.

本日、11/22(金)に第4回学生ゼミを開催しました。今日は新留学生の彭くんから過去の研究 “HHGNN: Heterogeneous Hypergraph Neural Network for Traffic Agents Trajectory Prediction in Grouping Scenarios” について発表していただきました。

かなり込み入った手法を使用しており、1度聞くだけでは理解することが難しい内容でした。その中でも、集団として扱う手法に Hyper Graph が使用されており、どのように Hyper Graph を作成したのかについて深く話すことができ、今まで知らなかった考え方に触れることができ、大変有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。


The 4th student seminar was held today. 彭-kun, a new international student, gave a presentation on his past research “HHGNN: Heterogeneous Hypergraph Neural Network for Traffic Agents Trajectory Prediction in Grouping Scenarios”.

In predicting the movement trajectories of pedestrians, bicycles, and cars, the interaction between agents is important.
The study used a rather complicated method, and it was difficult to understand the content just by listening to it once. Hyper Graph was used as a method to treat them as a group, and we were able to have a discussion about how Hyper Graph was created, and I was able to come into contact with ideas that I had not known before.

The next student seminar is scheduled for 11/29.

投稿者 (poster) | 嶋野 (Shimano)

日本写真測量学会 令和6年度秋季学術講演会に参加しました! We Participated in the Autumn Conference of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing!



I and Qiu-san participated in the Autumn Conference of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing held on 11/14 (Thu.) and 11/15 (Fri.).I presented my graduation thesis.

It was a very stimulating two days, as I had the opportunity to meet with many people from companies and other universities, and there were many presentations in fields that I had not been exposed to before. I was particularly impressed by the many presentations on fields that agriculture is often involved in, such as the use of forests.
At the reception, I enjoyed talking with students from other universities. I also met Shimizu-sensei and was able to go out for drinks.
I would like to thank all of them for their kindness and support!

投稿者 (poster) | 嶋野 (Shimano)

第3回学生ゼミ開催! The 3rd Student Seminar was held!



臼杵くんからは,Diffusion-NMF を用いた渋滞伝播メカニズムを考慮した渋滞発生減の特定について,手法の説明とシンプルなモデルでの試行結果の紹介がありました.質疑では,Kernel の定義方法や現実の事象との比較など,活発な議論がありました.



The third student seminar was held today, Friday, November 15th. The presenters at this seminar were B4 students Ms. Ohno and Mr. Usuki.

Ms. Ohno gave a presentation on the methods and trial results for organizing and verifying the accuracy of methods for using mobile terminals in land surveying, and I think the discussion deepened on topics such as the interpretation of the results and methods for distributing errors.

Usuki-kun explained the method and the results of a trial using a simple model for identifying the reduction of traffic congestion using Diffusion-NMF, and there was a lively discussion about things like how to define the kernel and how far you can incorporate real-world phenomena.

The next Student Seminar is scheduled for next week, Friday, November 22nd.

投稿者|諸田 (MOROTA)