
A セメスター最初の学生ゼミを開催しました!/ The first student seminar in A semester was held!


On Tue. Oct 29, we held the first student seminar in A semester. After the instruction on the schedule and TeX, the editing tool, for the dissertation, I could obtain the image for how the graduation research proceeds afterwards. Also, as the schedule for the presentation was fixed, I am going to refresh my mind and work hard!!!

投稿者(Posted by)笹木




I went to collect data for my research with the help of Professor Fuse and the lab members. We collected point clouds data and photographs of land boundaries using a smartphone, and everyone was amazed at how the current smartphone apps can generate such clean 3D point cloud data, showing how much technology has advanced.

彭さんの歓迎会を行いました!!!/ We held the welcome party of Peng-san !!!


On Monday, October 7th, we held a welcome party for Peng-san, an international student from Qufu, China, the birthplace of Confucius. It was impressive to see him already enjoying conversations with other members, sparked by discussions about his research and the souvenirs he brought from China. I’m really looking forward to the activities in this lab with our new member!


B2歓迎会が開催されました! A welcome event for B2 was held!


On 9/30 (Mon.), there was a welcome event for B2 students newly assigned to the Department of Civil Engineering, and this lab held a lab introduction in the student room. After a slide presentation of this lab’s graduation theses, the B2 students experienced stereopsis!
In 2A semester, there are no classes held by this lab, so I hope they remember this lab!
B2 students will have many lectures and exercises from this semester, so please enjoy your life in the Department of Civil Engineering while learning many things!

投稿者 (poster) | 嶋野 (Shimano)

中間発表前に研究室ゼミを行いました!We held a lab seminar before the interim presentations!






Today, in preparation for the interim presentations of master’s theses (on 9/25 for M2 students) and bachelor’s theses (on 9/26 for B4 students), we held practice sessions for Kobayashi (M2), Usuki (B4), Ohno, Sasaki, and Takeda.

In the interim presentations, the focus will be on presenting the background, objectives, and methodology of our research.

We received valuable feedback from Professors Fuse and Yasuda, as well as from our lab members. It was a very productive time, helping us improve our research.

With just one week left until the interim presentations, we’ll work hard to further refine our research!

Posted by|Ono