
第6回学生ゼミが開かれました The 6th student seminar was held.




The 6th student seminar was held on 28th June.

Qiu (D3) gave a presentation on the first part of Chapter 12, generative models.

An overview of generative models, autoencoders, and sparse autoencoders was explained.
During the discussion, we considered practical examples of sparse autoencoders and talked about their usefulness for pre-training and classifier training.

The next session will be a special one, where Mr. Katayama (M2) will introduce the usage of our server and the implementation of deep learning models. Everyone will practice hands-on with it.


投稿者|邱 (QIU)

第5回学生ゼミが開かれました The 5th student seminar was held.



同変性と不変性のところ,Group Convolutional Neural Networksという,回転や反転まで同変性を持たせるための研究について一緒に読んでみました.私は群論に関する知識が足りなくて,苦戦しました.



The 5th student seminar was held on 21st June.

Mr Shimano (B4) gave a presentation on Chapter 5, convolutional neural networks (CNN).
It was an abundant chapter, introducing everything from basic convolutional computation to various forms of CNNs.

In the section on equivariance and invariance, we read together about Group Convolutional Neural Networks, a study to keep the equivariance about rotations and flips. I struggled with it because I lacked knowledge about group theory.

Besides, Mr. Inafuku, an alumni of our lab, joined us online. He shared about how he studied CNNs during his B4 and used them in his research. Methods such as object detection and segmentation are interesting and widely used.

Next seminar, we will deal with generative models, such as self-encoders and variational self-encoders in Chapter 12.

It’s the rainy season these days. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it’s hot. Please take care.









The 4th student seminar was held on June 14.

Ms. Sakaban, B4, gave a presentation on the back propagation in Chapter 4.
After explaining the principle of the back propagation, she also explained about automatic differentiation, vanishing gradient problem, and residual connection.

We then discussed the fact that the delta at the output layer can be successfully determined by modifying the activation function, and the significance of doing automatic differentiation.
Finally, the Sinkhorn algorithm, which is often used in optimal transport, was discussed, but the content was difficult. Then, this student seminar was finished. I was surprised at the fact that young person, who is close to my own, is active in this field.

Next time, we will deal with convolutional neural network (CNN) in chapter 5.




『深層学習 第二版』の3章「確率的勾配降下法(SGD)」の後半部分について、D1の諸田さんに発表していただきました。SGDの改良法として、重みの更新幅の調整(AdaGrad, Adamなど)やより平坦な局所形状を持つ極小点を探索するためのSAM、層出力や重みの正規化について学びました。

ゼミでは多くの活発な議論が行われました。関連して、このような学生同士の議論で生まれたランダムなアイディアが深層学習の研究を進めることを揶揄した「学生勾配降下法(SGD/ student gradient descent)」という言葉が話題に上がったのが、個人的に面白く印象に残っています。





The third student seminar was held on July 7th.

Mr. Morota, D1, gave a presentation on the latter half of Chapter 3, “Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD),” in “Deep Learning, Second Edition.

We learned about SGD improvements such as adjusting the update range of weights (AdaGrad, Adam, etc.), SAM for searching for minima with flatter local shapes, and normalization of layer outputs and weights.

Many lively discussions took place in the seminar. It was personally interesting that the term “student gradient descent (SGD/ student gradient descent),” came up in the discussion, which ridiculously refers to the fact that random ideas generated by such discussions among students advance research in deep learning.

I also learned a lot from my seniors who taught me about batch normalization, and parallel processing of networks and data, which I did not understand well, and I made some new discoveries.

We will deal with Chapter 4, “Error Back Propagation Method at the next seminar

投稿者 | 坂番

第2回 学生ゼミが開かれました


引き続き,『深層学習 第二版』の輪読をすすめています.


The second student seminar was held on May 31 (Wed.).

Following the 1st student seminar, we have been reading “Deep Learning, Second Edition” by turns.
This time, Mr. Shimano (B4) gave a presentation on the first half of “Chapter 3: Stochastic Gradient Descent Method.
(SGD, generalization performance and over-fitting, regularization, learning rate selection and control)
There was a deep discussion on batch learning, mini-batch learning, Momentum-Nesterov’s accelerated gradient method, learning rate selection and control, and so on.

Next week’s student seminar will cover the second half of Chapter 3.
(SGD improvement, normalization of layer outputs, initialization of weights, etc.)


投稿者 | 諸田