
11月研究室ゼミが開催されました!  November lab seminar was held!

僕はしばらくの間、データを作るためにGISソフトを操作していたために進捗報告として結果を示すことができず、あまり多くのことを言うことができませんでした… しかし、研究の目的と目指すべき結果との整合性についてなどを指摘していただき、作業を進めながらも目標として何を目指すべきなのか考え続けたいと思います。



The lab seminar was held on November 22(wed). Presenters were Katayama-san from M2 and me from B4. I could not show the results as a progress report because I was operating GIS software to create data for a while, so I could not say much… However, they pointed out the consistency between the purpose of the research and the results we should aim for, and I would like to continue to think about what we should aim for as a goal while working on the project.

The next laboratory seminar will be held in December. At that time, Sakaban-san and me from B4 and Katayama-san from M2 will give presentations. I will do my best to make a good presentation and have a good New Year!


第5回学生ゼミが開催されました The fifth student seminar was held.





The 5th student seminar was held on 11/27 (Mon.).
Mr. Morota (D1) and Mr. Shimano (B4) presented their research progress.

Mr. Morota talked about the difficulties of registration of laser point clouds and images and mapping by image recognition, which are not accurate enough for practical use. I heard about MMS measurement in practice and was amazed at the cost of MMS vehicles developed in the early days The increase in accuracy and decrease in cost are impressive.

Mr. Shimano showed the features of the mountains through statistical shape analysis and principal component analysis. The features of the mountains were animated and visualized, which made the variation of the shape easier to understand. The results of the analysis confirmed that Mt. Fuji is quite large and symmetrical. We discussed whether the model behavior is reasonable where no data is available, which is a point to keep in mind when analyzing the data.

Next time, Qiu will give a progress report. I will do my best!


第68回土木計画学研究発表会・秋大会に参加しました. Qiu participated in the Fall Conference of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE.






Qiu participated in the Fall Conference of Infrastructure Planning and Management held by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers at Tokyo Metropolitan University in Minami-Osawa on November 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), and also heard a lecture in Shinjuku on November 24 (Fri.).

On November 26, Qiu gave a presentation entitled “深層学習ベースの歩行者経路予測モデルの解釈可能性 (in Japanese)” (Interpretability of Deep Learning-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Models) in the session on Computer Vision and Spatial Behavior Models.

I received questions and suggestions from the chairperson, Prof. Oyama, and other professors, and was able to rethink my research from the perspective of infrastructure planning. In addition, after listening to the various presentations in the session, I was impressed by the modeling of the effect of space on pedestrians. My research focuses on spatial characteristics and interactions among pedestrians, but the results also show the influence of the space itself.

The ginkgo trees in Minami-Osawa were turning bright yellow. It was very beautiful. I wonder if this is due to the higher elevation than Hongo.



第4回学生ゼミが開催されました。 The fourth student seminar was held.


The fourth student seminar was held on 11/20(Mon).
B4 student, Sakaban-san gave a progress report on his graduation thesis entitled ‘Temporal Resolution of Satellite Images Using Diffusion Models’.
There is no research on diffusion models for satellite image, so she explained the progress of research on diffusion models and the deep learning methods used for satellite image, and how she will use them in her own research.
Mr. Kimura, an alumnus who graduated this autumn, also came to the seminar and we had a good discussion. Tomorrow, Katayama-san from M2 and Sakaban-san and me from B4 will give presentations in the laboratory seminar.
I have a presentation, so I will do my best.



ACRS 2023 に参加しました.Qiu participated in ACRS 2023.

(English follows Japanese)

ご報告が遅くなりましたが,10月30日から11月3日の一週間に,D3の邱が台湾・台北・南港にて開催された ACRS 2023 (Asian Conference on Remote Sensing)に参加しました.「Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction Through Attention-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction」と題して発表し,Student and Young Scientist Paper Award を受賞しました.



Closing ceremonyで,Student and Young Scientist Paper Award をいただき,誠に光栄に思いました.この賞を授与してくださったCSPRSの J.-J. Jaw 先生は私が学部時代に受けた測量学の先生で,これまでの勉強が評価されてとても嬉しく感じました.これからも一層研究に励んでいきます.

From October 30th to November 3rd, Qiu participated in ACRS 2023 (Asian Conference on Remote Sensing) held in Taipei, Taiwan. Presenting on the topic “Visualization of Pedestrian Interaction Through Attention-Based Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction,” I was honored to receive the Student and Young Scientist Paper Award.

As Professor Fuse could not come, I embarked on this overseas business trip alone. Despite being abroad, since I’m from Taiwan, I enjoyed the Taiwanese food and atmosphere throughout the week. My presentation took place in the first session on the first day, so afterward, I was able to enjoy the other presentations and engage in insightful discussions with researchers. The expanding spatiotemporal scope of observations through remote sensing technology, and its potential application in addressing regional challenges, left a lasting impression.

At the venue, I had the pleasure of meeting researchers from various regions, including many students studying abroad across Asia. Thanks to introductions by Professor Yoshimura and Professor Yamashita, I engaged in meaningful conversations with faculty and students from institutions like Kyoto University. After lively research discussions at the conference, evenings were spent enjoying local delicacies like xiaolongbao 😋. Additionally, I was asked to share my study life in Japan with Taiwanese students.

During the closing ceremony, I was humbled to receive the Student and Young Scientist Paper Award. Professor J.-J. Jaw, who presented the award, had been my surveying professor during my undergraduate years. I am very happy that my studies have been recognized. I look forward to dedicating myself even more to research in the future.

(Photo source: ACRS2023)
